Rabu, 25 November 2015

Avoiding Pepper Experiment

Avoiding Pepper Experiment is a very easy experiment you can do at home...

The things you need are: Pepper, water, washing up liquid and water.

First you need to pour your water into the plate. Then sprinkle a lot of pepper onto the surface of the water.... Once you done that, get your washing up liquid and place a very small amount on to your tip of your finger . Then place your finger in the middle of the bowl .
You see that the pepper run away from your finger... Well is not the pepper is running away , but in fact is the water underneath the pepper... The washing up liquid on your tip of your finger reduces the surface of the water underneath it.. This mean the pepper has to stay on top of the water with the highs surface station. Is almost like magic!!...But is science really.. I hope you do this experiment at home and I hope you have a wonderful day.. Enjoy :)